Examples of Possible Police Brutality in Amona

This page includes examples of possible police brutality in Amona. These have been seperated out from our page of undisputable video and photo examples of police brutality because it might be disputed whether some or all of the examples below are really police brutality. We leave it to the viewer to decide.

In addition, please click here for video and photos of wounded protesters and 1st-hand accounts of police brutality.

A note on methodology:

Purposely excluded from this page and the page with undisputable video and photo examples of police brutality are photos of people being carried off by police. Due to the large number of protesters and the possibility that some of them resisted arrest it is possible that forceful removal was required for some of them. Only photos of unnacceptable or possible unacceptable removal such as throwing protestors out windows are included.

Source: "Ba'am" (Not available elsewhere on the Internet)

Source: Sultan Knish

This girl seems to have been thrown.

These policemen seem to be advancing to attack a passive crowd.

The lead horse's raised hind foot and proximity to the crowd seems to imply a head-on charge.

These policemen or soldiers seems to be yelling a battle-cry, which would be inappropriate for dealing with protesters, even allegedly violent ones.

At least 1 of the 2 lead horses seems to be charging to attack a passive crowd.

Teenaged girls crushed by male policemen. Why the raised club?

Probable excessive force used to restrain a protester.

Source: http://www.bambili.com/b_gallery/gallery_pics.asp?pic_sivug_id=98¤tpage=1&my_lang=2

Source: Rotter.net forum

Conclusive Police Brutality | Possible Police Brutality | Wounded Protesters | Wounded Protesters on Stretchers | 1st-hand Accounts
Police Brutality Defined | Checks and Balances | Hebrew Site | Information Regarding Israel's Security