True Democracy Requires Checks and Balances

A true democracy requires the presence of "checks and balances" on power. Lacking those checks and balances, power can be abused to the point of tyranny. The founding fathers of the United States, for example, set up many checks and balances so that no individual or even branch of government could abuse their power without the possibility of constraint from other forces.

Israel lacks such checks and balances and the police brutality that has occurred is a direct result of that.

When the government is controlled by the Left (or those wanting to act like the Left) there is effectively no check or balance to stop it: not from the Leftist court system, not from the army or police, which are dominated at the top by the Left, and not from the Leftist-biased media.

This mini-site is an effort to help create an alternative media source to educate the people. Together the people can be an effective check on the currently unrestrained power of the government and can still prevent it from sliding further into tyranny.

Conclusive Police Brutality | Possible Police Brutality | Wounded Protesters | Wounded Protesters on Stretchers | 1st-hand Accounts
Police Brutality Defined | Checks and Balances | Hebrew Site | Information Regarding Israel's Security