The countries shown below are members of the Arab league. (Syria and Lybia are currently suspended members.) Western Sahara is a disputed territory, not a recognized nation.

Information Regarding
Israel's Security
The countries shown below are members of the Arab league. (Syria and Lybia are currently suspended members.) Western Sahara is a disputed territory, not a recognized nation.
“One picture is worth a million words.”
G-d Bless Israel! Please check out my blog in The Times of Israel.
Any chance of providing me/us with a tangible number of square miles, compared to Israel, to help us make the case? I need numbers, not photos.
Thank you for your efforts to get the word out.
While we do not have the exact areas compared in this map, we do have square miles and square kilometers listed for almost all our other size comparison maps. Feel free to check them out and use the information accordingly.
Israel including what the world refers to as the West Bank and Gaza is 10,240 sq miles.
Muslim nations surrounding it with the same language, religion and culture is 5,392,668 sq miles.
This does not include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Indonesia south Eastern Europe, turkey, etc. This would add another 3 million sq miles. Why does tiny Israel need to divide half of what is left of Israel, about 4000 sq miles to a terror organization? The fact is this attempt to squeeze out the Jewish ancestral homeland. A land only ever a state under Jewish rule and which has had Jews residing in it for 3,761 years continuously.
Thank you for the information. I am shocked about what is going on right now. I took my 87 year old mother shopping yesterday in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
I saw a sanctioned pro-Palestinian convoy driving down one of our main streets of commerce, waving huge Palestinian flags and signs on their vehicles that said “Stop the genocide. Ceasefire now.” I could not believe my eyes!! I know what the history is in the Arab world and Muslim extremist attempts to wipe out Jews. I will always stand up beside my Jewish brothers and sisters, as a Christian who loves Elohim. And when I can, I will denounce false prophets, terrorists and interlopers.
In 1947, the Arab nations rejected UNGAR 181 (which would have divided Israel’s apportionment and provided the Arabs with an unwarranted second Arab state from the British Mandate for Palestine).
That Gaza and the Disputed Territory are still up for the offering after many subsequent wars waged upon Israel is truly baffling.
Israël is the Country of King David the son of Jesse Isaï
Being a Christian in Israel and the Middle East is difficult. The Baptist Church in Jerusalem and the Church of the Beatitude on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee were set ablaze more than once in Israel. Christianity is considered to be misguided and the Trinity as blasphemous.