Do the people around the world who complain about “civilian casualties” in Gaza understand that it is a war crime to target civilians with missile attacks (which Hamas does) and also to hide behind civilian shields (which Hamas also does)? Or to shoot rockets from “protected” locations like schools, hospitals and mosques (which Hamas also does)?
Do they understand that civilians and protected institutions lose their protected status according to the rules of war when they are unlawfully used for war activities?

Do they realize that they are “useful idiots” playing into Hamas’ hands and encouraging Hamas leaders to continue to try to get their own people killed so they will get more sympathy? Do they realize they are therefore insuring there will be more civilian casualties on both sides in the future?
Finally, does this say something, anything at all, about a group of people that voted Hamas into power and continues to play along with the Human shield game? Anything?
Hat tip: Boldt Andreas