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Peace or Terror?

Concessions to Terrorists and the Resulting Increase in Terror

Graph of Israeli terror victims before and after the beginning of the Oslo Peace Process

When the first Israel-PLO agreement was signed in September 1993, Israeli leaders promised that a drop in terrorist activity would follow. The reverse occurred. As the chart above shows, more Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks after the accords than before.

In fact, there were over twice as many Israeli terror fatalities in the year from Sep. 1994 - Sep. 1995 as in Sep. 1991 - Sep. 1992. Overall, Israel suffered 73% more terror fatalities in the two years after the 1993 deal than in the two years before it.

The period since the Israel-PLO accords has seen the highest level of terrorist killings in the history of the state of Israel.

Furthermore, as the graph indicates, the increase in terror has taken place mainly within Israel's pre-1967 boundaries, not in Judea and Samaria ("the West Bank") or Gaza. Suicide bomb attacks in and near Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Netanya have brought terror to where most Israelis live.

After the June 1996 inauguration of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's center-right government, there was a substantial drop in terror fatalities, with figures returning to their pre-1993 levels.

Source: News reports, press releases by Peace Watch, a nonpartisan watchdog group monitoring compliance with the Israel-PLO accords, and the Shalem Center - National Policy Institute.

Note: Figures include attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers in areas within Israel's security responsibility. Thus, attacks on Israeli targets in Buenos Aires or other parts of the world are not included; neither are attacks in southern Lebanon or by the Lebanese Hizbullah.

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